▼ vol.1 Ashigara embroidery Kikuaki Ueda


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Using the Jigsaw to cut out the pieces.  Lights are being shone from left and right to prevent shadows on the pieces.

Wood inlay Sadaji Uchida 2

━ Mr. Uchida, when were you born?
I was born in 1920; I’m 89 years old.
━ Were you born and raised in Odawara?

I was born in Hadano but was adopted out to the Uchida family from Odawara.

My father was a fisherman but he had a disease from the waist down called Hemiplegia, and unfortunately passed away when I was 4 years old.
━ Why did you start doing wood inlaying?
From the time of my father’s death I had to help my mother while going to elementary school. My mother told me I needed to have a skill. My uncle on my mother’s side (Aburada Sadao) was a wood inlay master, and when I graduated from Jinjyou Elementary School at the age of 14, I went to learn from him.
━ In what order did you learn about Inlaying?
At first I mainly did babysitting, cleaning and heating up gulue. My uncle wouldn’t teach me anything more. In my free time I made the teeth on jigsaw blades, and slowly learnt from there.
━ While learning your craft were there times you found it hard or thought you would like to do something else?
From the time I started making wood inlay’s I never found it a chore and never thought of doing anything else.
━ How long does it take to become an Inlay master?
People usually say it takes about 10 years, but I don’t think so, it depends on a person’s personality. If a person has the drive they can master it in 1 or 2 years. However each work is different and the process changes for each piece, therefore the learning process is never finished.

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These are the people who supported this Aori project.

[Print cooperation] Bunkado print Co.Ltd. [Transration cooperation] Kidsman English / Yuji Koma,Shane Pole

[Odawara City] StrapyaNext Co.Ltd / izumi jewery Shimano / meat shop Nakagawa / Shonan Star Club / [Minami Ashigara City] Pixera Co.Ltd [Kaisei Town] Osakana Shokubou Wahanaza [Ninomiya Town] Kojima dental clinic white essence Ninomiya branch [Yokohama City] Medicare.Co.Ltd.